Big Cartel Latest Updates

New: Automatic Discounts

Diamond only

We’re making it easier for your customers to save with automatic discounts! Now, when you create a discount, you’ll see an option to make it automatic—meaning it will apply directly at checkout without the buyer needing to remember to add a code!

Here’s how it works: our system will automatically check for any active automatic discounts and apply the best one for your customer at checkout. This ensures they always get the highest-value discount available, with no extra steps. You can customize your discounting strategy with a mix of automatic and manual codes, and your customers can still swap out an automatically applied code for a better manual code if they prefer.

On our Diamond plan already? You can create new automatic discounts or convert existing discount codes to automatic by editing them in the discounts section of your shop admin.

Not yet on Diamond? If you want to get access to this new feature to boost your sales, as well as all the other Diamond exclusive features, upgrade now!

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Abandoned Cart Recovery

Diamond only

Did you know that over 65% of shoppers that start a checkout end up abandoning their process and never complete it? Abandoned Cart Recovery emails are an industry best practice that have shown to recover 3-14% of these carts.

Abandoned cart recovery is a new Big Cartel feature that enables an important way to boost your sales: it’s a series of automated messages sent to customers who have added items to their cart, partially completed checkout, but haven't completed their purchase. These emails serve as friendly reminders that encourage your customers to return and complete payment — ultimately helping to recover abandoned carts and checkouts.

On our Diamond plan already? You can turn this feature on with a simple checkbox in your shop preferences.

Not yet on Diamond? If you want to get access to this new feature to boost your sales, as well as all the other Diamond exclusive features, upgrade now!

More product images for Diamond sellers

Diamond only

Sellers on Big Cartels’s Diamond plan now have ability to add up to 25 images for each product! Eligible shops that are on our latest templates automatically have the feature enabled. If you’re on an old template, head over to Shop Designer and update your template version.

If you’re using a print-on-demand app with Big Cartel like Printful, we’ll now import up to 25 images per product instead of limiting it to 5.